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2021 Road Maintenance Projects

Chip and Seal Work

Phase II chip and seal
Phase II chip and seal
Phase III chip and seal
Phase III chip and seal
Phase I chip and seal
Phase I chip and seal
chip and seal stockpile
chip and seal stockpile
chip and seal trucks working in Firetree
chip and seal trucks working in Firetree
ongoing road maintenance continues according to plan

Baldwin City's Road Maintenance program launched a new chip and seal project in 2020, kicking off Phase I with the residential roads north of Highway 56. This summer, the program will move to Phase II, which includes much of the southeastern part of town.

Vance Brothers, who did the initial chip and seal work in the fall of 2020, returned June 15th and 16th this year to finish up some warranty work at no cost to the city. They spent time on the cul-de-sacs and a few trouble areas.

Phase II set to begin late summer

City Council approved funding for Phase II at the May 18th council meeting. At the time of writing, Public Works Director estimated Phase II will begin mid-August. "We just had our first construction kick-off meeting earlier this week," he said. Neighborhoods covered this year will include 1st Street over to 6th Street, although not including 6th Street since that is a County Road. The area will also extend from the highway to High Street, Santa Fe Drive, Dearborn Circle, and Hillside Drive.

Phase III Planned for 2022

If City Council approves the funding plan, Phase III of the Pavement Maintenance project will continue in 2022. 

Rob Culley said Public Works staff will be focusing on fixing potholes and cracks for the roads scheduled for Phase III, highlighted on the map below. They will also be spot patching and fixing potholes throughout the entire city as they do every year. "I am hopeful to have the entire residential district sealed by 2023, depending on funding," he noted.

Do you have a pothole in your neighborhood you'd like to report? Get it on the list with this form.

Public Utilities Building

1015 Orange Street, Baldwin City, KS 66006


Hours: 7-4, M-F

Oakwood Cemetery Location

300-398 N 200 Road

Baldwin City, KS 66006


Sweeping September 22nd-24th

Delta Sweeping will be in town today through the rest of the week sweeping the streets that were recently treated with chip and seal. This is to remove any excess rock that hasn't settled in the last 30 days, and is a normal part of the process.

Chip and Seal on East side of town to begin August 30th

The chip and seal project is on track to begin Monday, August 30th. This will include roads from Hwy 56 south to High Street and east to, but not including, 6th Street. The work is expected to take around two days.